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I am fortunate not to use the eToll route daily. Occassionally when Madala and I visit our parents we will have to fork out a fortune to go there. that would mean passing almost 8-10 gantries.
I was livid yesterday and could finally understand the frustration everyone was feeling regarding eTolls. I went to the Roodepoort area. I passed 1 toll gate near Rivonia and thought, chi ching R3.21, then just before I took Beyers Naude offramp, another tollgate called Pelican. Yoh, I was naar. 1 tollgate maybe ok but 2 in a small distance, eish, that is just highway robbery. To return back home in total it would cost me R13,84.
I am not sure if I understand this eToll thing correctly. If each board says R3,21. I tried to work out, if I am passing 8 toll gates either from Lenasia or Pretoria to get to work it will cost me about R52 daily. Is this right or am I just not understanding this thing.
I heard that it will be capped to R550 a month, so that is the maximum you can pay. so that works out on average to R18 a day i.e R9 a trip.
To calculate your etoll route – eToll Calculator
I was thinking more about this. Maybe also the reason for all these tolls is to reduce the traffic on roads so people can find alternative ways of commuting daily. Maybe encouraging people to use the Rea Vaya, taxis and Gautrain. If you have found the most cost effective route to go to work from Lenasia and Pretoria especially, please share with us in the comments section. The issue is where we stay there is no reavaya bus, no efficient public transport, not even a gautrain bus stops here even though many of them go pass.
I heard the other day taxi drivers will be exempt from eTags. I hope the Mom’s taxi/Nani’s taxi will also be exempt from this. How do they expect us to pay for this, especially in 1 income family. We already paying enough for the fuel levy and the petrol as we commute to educate our kids.
What is wrong with the etoll system
Outa stance on eTolls
There is no need for motorists to buy e-tags to use Gauteng’s freeways, the Opposition To Urban Tolling Alliance (Outa) has said.
“There is no law that requires road users to buy an e-tag or register with Sanral [the SA National Roads Agency Limited] in order to use Gauteng’s freeways,” said chairman Wayne Duvenage today.
He said getting an e-tag had nothing to do with being law abiding.
“[But] while getting e-tagged and registering with Sanral has nothing to do with being law abiding, what it does is to make Sanral’s task of enforcing e-tolling easier.”
He said road users should be aware that getting an e-tag and registering with Sanral placed road users on Sanral’s system and bound them to a contract to pay e-tolls.
“Getting e-tagged also limits the right of road users to object to paying tolls and to resist an unjust system.”
He alleged e-tolling was unlawful because Sanral had failed to comply with the law when it was supposed to properly inform the public of the intent to toll Gauteng’s freeways at the outset.
Also, because it allegedly failed to conduct the legally required public participation procedure in October 2007 for the N1, N3, N4 and N12 and April 2008 for the R21.
Outa has unsuccessfully tried to stop the introduction of e-tolling through court action.
Transport Minister Dipuo Peters announced on November 20 that e-tolling of Gauteng’s highways will begin tomorrow.
The High Court in Pretoria is hearing a case brought by the Freedom Front Plus on the grounds that Peters made a technical error and got the start date wrong. FFPlus argued the e-tolling should have started only on December 4.
– Sapa
Cosatu stance on etolls
HE Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) in Gauteng on Tuesday announced a fresh protest campaign against e-tolling, on the same day the controversial system went live on the province’s freeways.
The federation warned that pressing ahead with e-tolling would prove detrimental to the African National Congress (ANC) in next year’s elections affect the relationship between the tripartite alliance partners.
On Tuesday morning, some Gauteng drivers tried to use alternative routes to get to work as the e-tolling system started billing all tagged cars that passed under South African National Roads Agency gantries erected along freeways.
Cosatu Gauteng secretary Dumisani Dakile said a programme of protests against e-tolling would start in January. The campaign will include stayaways, sit-ins and civil disobedience to the government’s instructions for road users to buy e-tags and pay tolls.
What SANRAL don’t want to you know
A discussion we had on AskNanima facebook page
Nanima, I was just wondering what your thoughts are on the impending Sanral E Tolling system? I feel that as South Africans we are not doing enough to stop it.
- <
- Ask Nanima? it is definitely highway robbery.. but then you see someone has to pay for all these roadworks etc that is happening everywhere.. some places the road works have made life easier like in midrand.. but then as Madala was saying the maths does not make sense. They spent billions to put these toll gates up to pay for the roads. Should they have not used the money for building all these toll gates for the roadworks instead. I think if they could charge us in such a way that it will not be felt it could work. e.g. in India and I think China the railway systems are dirt cheap, that is why millions and billions use the system. Maybe if they can make it dirt cheap that no one will feel the pinch it could work and then they will have the quantities..
- Well, we’ve retaliated by not buying the e tags. But now they will charge u up to 5 times more if u don’t register.
- 1) why are they restricting people from freedom of movement.
2) Why has this gone ahead despite the country being against it.
3) Why are foreign investors benefiting from it.
4) why are we being taxed more and more on everything. When will this country give back to its people.
5) This seems like just a legal way to steal money from the hard working south african public.
6) Why are the taxi’s exempted. They should pay double! - agree we definatly nt doing enuff to fight n stop it we need to unite wid all da races dat r against it bt wat cn we do?where do we start wid stopping it?hw do we go about stopping it?
Was travelling on the R21 frm PTA to OR Tambo yesterday. What a terrible road. There numerous patches on at least 3 of the lanes where the tar was been removed and there are thus bumps in the road. I cant begin to fathom how SANRAL intends to charge motorists for using the these roads which is in a utterly disgraceful state. And the fact that “taxis” would not be charged for using the roads…that’s totally unacceptable. Why should some people be allowed to use the roads for free, whilst have to pay. Unfortunately, it seems that SANRAL n SA government will get its way at the end of day…by making citizens pay for the use of the roads.
- Personally, I think its total madness and those who say improved/better roads are blind sighted. Is that not why we pay tax and are there not enough tolls already?! If the E tolling goes ahead its going to have a major impact on the economy. Prices of things are going to go sky high. Is petrol price and water and electricity not high enough already?!
As citizens of this country, we need to stand up and speak out against the government otherwise, the rich will continue to get richer while the poor and middle class will suffer.
- speak out how?? We all want to do something but don’t know how to fight the system. The majority of the country, travel by taxis which leaves the minority; like us to suffer
- Why do South Africa always feel a need of entitlement? Everyone thinks they are entitled for things and not want to pay for it. Everyone needs to work together and contribute to make a better life for all. Everyone says they pay taxes, but do you ever think how much of value you as an individual get for your taxes? To replace a road is in excess of R10 million per kilometer, but you still receive a disproportionate benefit for the meager taxes you pay. If you are not happy with the toll-roads then simply do not use it.
No Tolls GP
Stand with the AA and say NO to the implementation of Gauteng eTolling
you can download a print-friendly PDF version here to print out and stick on the inside of your car’s rear window. Please remember to set your printer settings to landscape.
How the Tolls Affect You
Think you can avoid it? Think again! The impact on you will be felt in many ways.
A total of 49 gantries have been built, to date, on major commuter routes in Gauteng, having a large impact on all road users. Here are some of the ways that the eTolling system will affect you:
Reduced income: Imagine adding to your personal tax bill! eTolling has an equivalent effect, reducing disposable income by as much as R550 a month (more without an eTag). Although, this is the amount at which monthly toll fees will be capped, it is unknown how long this limit will be in place.
Increased price of goods for consumers: Everything transported along tolled routes will cost more, which means increased operational costs for businesses and retailers and, in turn, for you. Furthermore, an increase in the inflation rate is possible, making home and car loan repayments more expensive.
Access to your bank account: When registering, you will be giving permission for your bank account to be automatically debited. With this comes the possibility of incorrect amounts being taken off and the aggravation of having to claim back.
Risk to your integrity: Many illegal number plates are being used on Gauteng’s roads, which means you could be incorrectly billed and will have to go through the process of requesting a photograph to dispute false claims.
Feedback from AskNanima facebook regarding the eTolls
Question asked
How many of you nani fans have registered for SANRAL E Tolling and why?
And to those who haven’t, will you give in to the threats and register?
- No..I am not going to be stolen from
- I haven’t registered and I will not..am not giving in on this one
- Acc to ‘scamral’s official statement only 300 000 of jhb’s 4million vehicles have registered.. Go gauteng! Don’t be robbed! Just say IF the toll starts and bla bla and u not from JHB do u still have to regsiter and if u don’t u gonna get charged that R1.70 ?
- If u are not registered, you will pay 58c/km, provided you pay within 7 days. If not, then u pay R1,70.
- We all have to 2ghter for this E toll thing . I will nt pay . We tax payer why we allways have to pay . And other enjoy . All this money will to ministers pocket
- i wont register. the more people register the more of an upper hand the government will have.
- Only joburgerians have to register for it not any others
- Let’s stand as a united front and refuse together!!!!
- People, our government is such that they use threats to get what they want and if we keep giving in to them WE are going to suffer. Not those in the government, not the rich but US middle class and the poor.
- Food prices are going to increase, petrol price will reach R15 soon and for us to run a house, both husband and wife would have to work. Is that what we want?
- Why do we allow the government rob us, walk over us and do as they please?!
- Together we can make a difference, we just need to stop complaining to ourselves and start taking
- No.Highway robbery.once we give in we will pay until doomsday.
- Ask Nanima? i saw that if you not from jhb there is a day pass or something you have to get.. i don’t think i will be using the etoll personally with my car, so do i have to register..
- I’m still waiting for someone to sell me a chipped one! Lol. Like the okes who have their playstations and DSTV chipped. Not long before someone can figure out how to beat the system.
- I will never….
* Less than 10 000 registered e-Tag’s.
* The system is not manageable for cars travelling on the highways without an e-Tag.
* The Ben Schoeman Highway between PTA & JHB carries 300 000 cars per day.
* The e-Tag system is a dismal failure so far.
* The latest R1.75 p/km is a last bid from the government to force us to buy this e-Tag so they can get the 98% of the pension money back they’ve spend on the toll roads.
If we all stand together, THIS SYSTEM CAN BE STOPPED.
DO NOT get an e-TAG for one month, and THE SYSTEM WILL FAIL
ul>Latest feedback on Ask Nanima page regarding registering for etolls
- Please guys dont get a etag. Its our only way to protest. We already being held ransom by petrol prices.
- There is no way i’m registering! Its daylight robbery by a government that is already taking too much out of our pockets!
- I will not register I won’t use those roads.
- If our government can focus on routing out corruption our country would beat most by far in terms of service delivery. There would be enough money for education, housing, health care etc for ALL. We would pay our taxes with a smile if we could see it being used well instead of for booze, parties and luxury cars. Until then no way will we want to pay more than necessary
- I refuse to register. Gonna hold out as long as possible and pray for the isinyoka to steal the cables @ the gantries
- Will not register!!
- Nope never never I tell ya
- Hey Nanima dont even think about it , we watching u 😛
- never
- No, never.
- If corrupt leader will come clean with all their alleged fraudulent activities, and pay back to the government what they all collectively allegedly stole and lined their pockets with, then maybe . . . just maybe I will consider registering for e-tolling. Because if it is unfair for the rest of the country to pay for the upgrading of Gauteng roads upgrade, it is more unfair for the powers that be to allegedly steal from us. What’s sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose. I guess with no hardly any one registering, their ‘goose is cooked’. No pun intended!
- I refuse to register!
- No way Joze !
- I will not register .
- We get ripped off enough.. The 2010 world cup cost a fortune and they promised that upgraded roads would be a spin off…
Sanral did not consult with the public correctly..
What about the taxis ? They are exempted but no taxis were given passes / permits / tags so how are Sanral going to identify them ? Just cos they’re minibuses… Crazy !
They planning E-tolling in KZN..was in newspapers…if it happens its going 2 b on N2 betwn umhlanga & N3 interchange..of course by Umgeni Rd as MAJOR Roadworks in operation
No way jose!
hell no…we going to strike
No way:-)
This e tolls is just another tax, which will just line further the elites pockets.This system has to be stopped at all cost.Sanral have taken existing infrastructure that we paid for long ago,beautified it with the gantries,minor improvements and expect us to pay for it.Sanral should have built a totally new road and then toll it,we would have paid for totally new infrasructure.At least then you have a choice.. This is highway robbery.