057 – Stop the presses

Written by on September 9, 2008 in Newsletter



Nanima has a few urgent announcements. (Not your normal newsletter)


  • Nanima exposed on Saffron Talk
  • Two exciting Nanima Ramadaan Competions
  • Nanima’s new look

    Nanima was finally exposed and the mask removed. With all the makeup I am not sure if they put a mask on me. co founder was interviewed yesterday on SAFFRON TALK on DSTV 456. I was very surprised as I thought it was going to be aired next week only and would give everyone advance notice to watch it. The topic of discussion was Online Dating. Nanima discussed the only online shariah compliant matchmaking website she knows. Watch the interview and get a chance to win a great prize. Answer to the competition will only be seen on the interview. See competition section for more details. Anyway, lucky for us SAFFRON TV runs in loops so they will be repeating the SAFFRON TALK interview at the following times.
    SAFFRON TALK – ONLINE DATING Tuesday @ 00:30
    SAFFRON TALK – ONLINE DATING Wednesday @ 09:30
    SAFFRON TALK – ONLINE DATING Wednesday @ 14:00
    SAFFRON TALK – ONLINE DATING Saturday @ 09:00


    Watch SAFFRON TALK on any of the above times and get a chance to win a Discover Yourself course worth R700 in Lenasia on 21,22,23 November 2008 at Lenasia Muslim School or the placest closest to you. For more information about the course visit Discover Yourself Information
    This prize will remove your own masks and expose your true self to you.
    You must be a subscriber to be a winner. Subscribe
    No family members may enter. SORRY!!! Email your answer Discover Nanima Answer ! or SMS answer to 0724287032 Please include name, surname and a contact number, place to contact you if you are a winner.

    What is the name of cofounder that was interviewed on SAFFRON TALK? The spelling must be exactly like how it was shown on SAFFRON TALK?


    Answer a simple question and stand a chance to win the book “THE MESSENGER” by Tariq Ramadan. You must be a subscriber to be a winner. Subscribe
    No family members may enter. SORRY!!! Email your answer Ramadan means or SMS answer to 0724287032 Please include name, surname and a contact number, City to contact you if you are a winner.

    NANIMA RAMADAN COMPETITION QUESTION Simple question: What does the word Ramdan/Ramadaan mean?


    All entries will be printed or written out and placed in a box. Winner will be drawn at Lenasia Muslim School before Eid


    This weekend Madala and I were busy as bees. We were busy with two website development projects. and Nanima makeover. I was playing around with wordpress and realised how easy web development can really be. As soon as I realised that I called my ISP and changed my hosting package to another provider. To get a taste of what we working towards visit Makeover.The website may be down for a few seconds during the transfer, so please don’t panic, we still alive, oud maar nie koud nie.
    Madala was busy with website and experiment with the holy grails(holy because everything is so clean and pure), Gears, Google Chrome, Apache, Tomcat, wordpress plugins, mySQL, php and all those other great web development tools. I also joked with him, did you ever dream you would have a nanima sitting and coding next to you talking about prod and dev. Anyway, although we missed the initial deadline to go live with the discoveryourself website due to hosting transfer issues, I must say, I am very impressed with the functionality the website will have and how easy it will be to use and administrate. As squeaky clean programmers go, is still in the development environment, Madala is a little cautious, not like Nanima the maverick who changes on the production live site without testing.



    RAMADAN NANIMA COMPETITION PRIZE: author Tariq Ramadan video


    I had to take my makeup off at work every night. I wasn’t allowed to do it at home because my mom said that when your work day is done, you’re done with work. Jodie Foster


    How to remove the mask – make up removal tips

    Removing makeup every day is a tricky process as you don’t want to pull or tug the delicate skin around the eyes nor do you want to cause your skin to dry out by using a harsh cleanser and/or makeup remover. Let’s take a look at six important points to keep in mind when removing your makeup each night.

    First of all baby shampoo is an excellent way to remove mascara that is resistant to other kinds of removers. Waterproof mascara can be one of the most difficult mascaras to remove as it is designed for staying power and a little bit of baby shampoo applied to a cotton ball or your finger tips should do the tricky nicely. Baby shampoos contain lower concentrations and softer detergents than other shampoos which makes them less irritating to the eye area. Baby shampoo can also be used to remove makeup on the face but use a very small amount as too much can be drying to the skin. Another option for the removal of waterproof mascara is extra- virgin olive oil. Olive oil is very gentle to the skin and ideal to use in the eye area as it is a natural anti-oxidant and does not contain any harmful substances. All you need to do is apply a few drops to your fingertips, a tissue or a cotton ball, and while keeping your eyes closed massage the eyelashes in a gentle motion until all traces of the mascara are gone. Then use a mild soap or cleanser and water to clean up further.

    The majority of cosmetics are oil-soluble which makes baby oil an excellent way to remove all traces of eye makeup, blush, foundation, and concealer and so on. All that is needed is to apply a tiny bit of baby oil to a tissue and then gently wipe it all over your face until the makeup is all gone. After you finish there is no need to use soap of any kind, simply rinse your face with cool water and your skin should feel soft to the touch.

    The fourth tip is one that can never be stressed enough – never ever go to bed with your makeup still on! Not only will you stain your pillowcase but also you will be contributing to the clogging of your pores that can lead to acne, breakouts, splotchiness and a host of other potential skin problems. No matter how tired you are, take the time to remove the day’s makeup and grime off of your face and let it breath and regenerate while you sleep!

    The fifth tip is to always use a mild makeup remover – nothing harsh or drying to the skin- and never use makeup remover that is specifically for your eyes on other parts of your face. This is particularly important if you suffer from oily skin as this can lead to break outs. Pay attention to what the label says as it specifies these things for a reason!

    The sixth tip is to not remove your eye makeup with any kind of cleanser. Keep in mind that the eye area is very sensitive and delicate and you don’t want to injure it in any way or cause an allergic reaction to take place. Also some people are prone to oily eyelids and you don’t want to encourage an overabundance of oil in this area. If oily eyelids are not a problem you might to consider using petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline) to take off your eye makeup but remember to be gentle! Use a tissue or cotton ball to take off your eyeshade and a Q-tip to get rid of the eyeliner.

    It’s best to always start by removing your eye makeup first. Always choose a facial cleanser that is meant for your particular skin type and if possible purchase one that has been tested to both breakdown and remove makeup from the face. All cleansers are not designed for this purpose and some soap as well does not thoroughly remove makeup from the face. Go over your face gently more than once but be as precise as possible. Do the same thing when you rinse, rinse a number of times to remove all traces of both cosmetic and cleanser residue.


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    1 bottle tomato sauce
    1 big tin tomato puree
    1 cup lemon juice
    8 – 10 garlic
    1 bottle Mrs Balls chutney
    half cup methi masala
    quarter cup amli juice
    quarter cup vinegar
    2 tsp coarse red chillies
    salt to taste
    METHOD 1,2, 3
    Boil everything on low heat until thick and smooth
    Make Vagaar with
    2 tsp mustard seeds
    cut garlic
    limrie leaves
    quarter cup oil
    Fry and pour over chutney

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