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Nothing I have attended in my whole life will come close to this workshop. Life changing. Immediate results in assisting you to find purpose of life. If you are facing any challenges, test, trials, decisions, addictions and don’t know how to deal with them. This course is the answer. It teaches you basic tools that you can use in any life situation, for any race,colour or creed.
Discover Yourself ITV Interview
For future dates, full interview and find out what others thought about the course visit http://www.discoveryourself.org.za
Sadatullah Khan visits South Africa every few months. He will be back in November 2008.
Wow. Brilliant, Entertaining and Educational. Kamal el Mekki is a dynamic and very light hearted storyteller. Lacking communication skills. Want to learn how to perform da’wah (not dawah). This course was powerful. Gives you the professional tool, techniques on how to perform Da’wah and get a shahadah within minutes. I spoke to a non muslim lady at home after the course. I see her twice a week. We never speak to each other except for all the polite things. Today was the first time I felt we really communicated. It also gives you tools to speak to complete strangers. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute and wished we had another day to learn from all the experiences Kamal el Mekki had.We were fortunate to have Moulana Shabir and Moulana Anwar Bismillah amongst us to share with us their wealth of knowledge.
For more information when Dawah Power will be in your area visit http://alkauthar.org/
The only reason this course has the number three spot is because the topic is not one of my strengths and passions. Although my exam results will contradict what I said. I hated commercial law 1 at varsity and almost didn’t graduate because of that subject. Commercial law 1 was suppose to be the easiest course. The mark of the jurist is a course that deals with Shariah and teaches us basically what goes behind coming to rulings and fatwas in Shariah. Gives us an insight what methodology the four imams used to come with their laws and rulings. For such a difficult subject matter it was really produced in a way everyone can understand. The fun part was the discussion of the case studies. It really gives you basic problem solving skills especially in tricky situations. I was glad to see how many varsity students attended these courses. Really refreshing.
For more information when Mark of a Jurist will be in your area visit http://alkauthar.org/
learning about polls. I closed it and here other results. I had to recreate

Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan
Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Kader Khan watch out there is a new Khan in town, Sadatullah Khan: An energetic man from Bangalore, a man on a mission to change the world one day at a time. The course takes you through a mixed masala of emotions. You feel like you are watching a Blockbuster Bollywood drama and an IPL/Indian cricket match while attending a muslim wedding (because the meals were divine).
It took Elizabeth Gilbert 1 year of traveling thousands of miles, eating in Italy , praying in India , and loving in Bali to find tranquility. In this course not only do you eat, pray and love, within 3 days you find inner peace and contentment.
Oprah Winfrey has gone gaga over the New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. I read the New Earth and I have attended the Discover Yourself course. After reading some of the self help books promoted by Oprah ( the new earth, eat pray love, the secret, power of now, the journey, dr phil self matters etc.), I always felt uncomfortable with how it fitted and aligned with my religious beliefs. If you are at a cross-roads like I was, desperately looking for enlightenment from an Islamic point of view, need to learn how to find joy and purpose in your life and go beyond the ego/nafs, your prayers have been answered!

Sadatullah Khan from Discover Yourself fame
Sadatullah Khan has a workshop that incorporates cutting edge tools, skills, techniques and knowledge from Quran and Hadith to transform the negative emotions in your life. I felt instantly at peace with the tools taught in the course as he comes from an Islamic background. After three days you will feel at peace with yourself, anger will disappear and you will let go of the past. Discover Yourself is a universal course for all races, colours and creeds. Many people from different religious backgrounds have attended it as well and praised the profound impact this course has had on their lives. I personally was addicted to the black sugary fizzy carbonated drink and use to drink two litres daily. These days I only drink water. Transformation is possible and can be very quick and easy.

Smoking Addiction Cure
He uses techniques learnt throughout his life, trying to make sense of it all after many failures and during his own struggles after losing his multi-million rupee business. He was also a chain smoker, smoking 30 to 40 cigarettes a day. He takes what he learnt and incorporates it from an Islamic perspective. This course is the best gift you can give to yourself and anyone you love and care for. International courses like this cost thousands of dollars. Mr. Khan does this almost for nothing, sacrificing time with his loved ones to bring love to others in the world. My advice to you is that the next time you hear he is in town, RUN to attend. Sit there for only 10 minutes preferably in the first two days and you will be hooked. Remember to send me a thank you note.

You’re right…i did love your comments…
what does this course cost ?
and when is the next booking available ?