Nanima co za 064 – Journey of a lifetime

Written by on November 28, 2008 in Newsletter


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Yes I have given birth to two and a half aunties.. OK.. since they are elder then me it is impossible to have given birth to them myself, let’s just say Nanima adopted two and half chachis.
Chachi means aunty, sometimes insinuates inquisitive aunty or the know it all aunty.

If you have a personal health […]

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Abraham/Ebrahim(AS) was tested by Allah to sacrifice is beloved son Ishmael/Ismail (AS). When both willingly submitted to Allah’s will, Ismail(AS) was replaced by a ram.

Qurbani or Ud’hiya is performed in commemoration of the ram from heaven which replaced Ishmael/ Ismail (AS), Muslims are required to sacrifice a ram or edible animal (domestic animal with […]

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Hajj explained simply and prophet’s farewell sermon

This is an obligation only once in a lifetime for those who can afford the trip and accommodation as well as the costs of maintaining all dependants whilst away. Following the footsteps of Prophet Abraham(Ebrahim) PBUH, who is the father of all the prophets that came after him, Muslims are required to re-enact […]

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I can’t believe my eyes. Mumbai is burning. The 105-year-old Taj Palace a landmark is bursting into flames after carnage in Mumbai. The impressive red-domed structure sits opposite the landmark Gateway of India monument on the edge of the Arabian Sea through which the last colonial British troops departed after independence in 1947
19 million […]

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The king of pop Michael Jackson has reverted to Islam and changed his name to Mikaeel.
Jackson, 50, was dressed in the Islamic garb as he pledged his allegiance at a friend’s house in Los Angeles. He sat on the floor as an Imam was called to officiate the ceremony.
He was convinced to turn to Islam […]

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It was a hard one to decide. My 3 year old Bichoo loves Radio Islam’s rabana rabana. She knows the words.
This nasheed just touched me to the core. Even without understanding it’s meaning, I felt it was speaking to my heart.

Nasheed Ya’adheem Ahmed Bukhatir

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The truth may hurt. We have to dig deep, get real and get to the bottom of it. If you think what I have to say is harsh, lucky for you, you haven’t met Patti Novak, she is even more straightforward. This advise is relevant to both genders.
Nanima’s 13 Reasons why she thinks you may […]

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Now with Xmas parties, bridal showers and end of year parties in full force, I am sure everyone is looking for great party ideas.
I saw that someone had a foam party and thought that would be cool to do as a bridal shower idea. When i did some searching and found out that hiring one […]

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The sacrifice which causes sorrow to the doer of the sacrifice is no sacrifice. Real sacrifice lightens the mind of the doer and gives him a sense of peace and joy. Mahatma Gandhi


Hajj Check list

“What you need to do”

* Attend the Hajj information and orientation program.
* Get a medical exam and buy medications, glasses, hearing aids that you might need. (Keep the Dr. Prescription with you).
* Be sure to ask your doctor or other health care provider any questions regarding your health, physical condition, medicines, diet etc.
* Begin walking every day and increase both the distance and the amount of time you walk.
* Eat a healthy diet that consists of vegetable, fruits, grains, dairy and protein. Remember to rest and sleep well especially in the nights and days leading up to Hajj.

* If you smoke or use other tobacco products, commit to the idea of quitting as a way of cleaning your body from toxins and making your heart and lungs healthier in preparation for the spiritual and physically challenging journey of the Hajj.

* Check your all documents make sure you have photo copies of all in separate place with extra 6 photos.
* Inform all your close friends and relatives that you are leaving this holy journey.
* Make yours WILL if you have not made yet or update, this is very important for you & your love once.
* Make some Sadaqah for poor and Pray 2 Rakk’at Salat for Travel.


* Always wash your hands with soap and water after urinating or defecating an before eating.
* Use sun protection such as sun screen lotion and umbrella.
* During the Days of Manasek in IHRAM do not come in contact with your spouse for relationship.
* Drink plenty of water and be sure it is “Spring Bottle Water” clean and safe. Do not use each other Glass or bottle, even husband wife.
* Eat a nutritious and sensible diet and DO NOT buy food from street vendors. Wash fruits and vegetables well with soap and water before eating.
* Remember to use your medication as directed by your Doctor. Sleep and rest well.
* Be informed and organized to minimize street. Protect children, the elderly, frail and handicapped.
* If pregnant, eat a health diet, drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest.
* Don’t push, shove or elbow others. Instead be courteous and patient.
* Always walk and flow in the same direction as every one else and FOLLOW THE GUIDE.
* During Tawaf, Sai and Jamarat, never stoop down to pick up something off the ground. If you drop some thing let it go.
* Find out where the nearest exit is. Find out where is the nearest FIRST POST.
* Avoid injuring others during Jamarat by selecting very small pebbles and not hurling them hard.
* Through garbage in the proper trash bins.
* Help keep the latrines and ablution stations clean.
* Learn how to do the STOP. DROP and ROLL in case your clothes catch on fire.




Thursday, November 27, 2008
All Day Event Johannesburg: Timbuktu manuscript Exhibition
All Day Event Johannesburg: Timbuktu manuscript Exhibition
All Day Event Zimbabwe: Discover Yourself
9:00 AM Johannesburg: Toys in Newtown
12:30 PM Birmingham: Mufti Menk
< Show older events Show later events >


If you thought South Africa’s sporting week started great with the team formerly known as the springboks winning against Scotland 14-10, today it got better. It was one of the greatest days in sport that South Africa has seen in a very very long time.

Our Mamoo Hashim Amla has done […]

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The FIFA confederations cup draw happened this weekend.
Bafana Bafana have an interesting group with New Zealand and Iraq. Let’s hope they can go further and grow from strength to strength.
FIFA started selling tickets today the 23 November 2008.
The cheapest tickets start from R70 to most expensive to R700. Tickets are not sold to you directly. […]

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1 buck
I am a bit confused. Is the springbok staying or going? From what I read below it sounds like we will have a Springbok eating a Protea or something like that..
There is discussion that the Springbok represents the oppressive Apartheid era. Does this mean the buck in the R1(one rand) coin will also be […]

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Results Fixtures
Rugby 29 Nov International England v New Zealand 16:30
Rugby 29 Nov International Wales v Australia 16:30
Football 29 Nov Eng Prem Aston Villa v Fulham 17:00
Football 29 Nov Eng Prem Middlesbrough v Newcastle 17:00
Football 29 Nov Eng Prem Stoke v Hull 17:00
Football 29 Nov Eng Prem Sunderland v Bolton 17:00
Football 29 Nov Eng Prem Wigan v West Brom 17:00
Football 30 Nov Eng Prem Man City v Man Utd 15:30
Football 30 Nov Eng Prem Tottenham v Everton 17:00


Football 26 Nov Champions League Bordeaux 1 – 1 Chelsea
Football 26 Nov Champions League Inter Milan 0 – 1 Panathinaikos
Football 26 Nov Champions League Anorthosis Famagusta 2 – 2 Werder Bremen
Football 26 Nov Champions League Sporting 2 – 5 Barcelona
Football 26 Nov Champions League Atletico Madrid 2 – 1 PSV
Football 26 Nov Champions League Liverpool 1 – 0 Marseille
Football 26 Nov Champions League CFR Cluj-Napoca 1 – 3 Roma
Cricket 26 Nov Tit v Dol Titans won by 3 wickets
Cricket 26 Nov Ind v Eng India won by 6 wickets


ICC ODI Championship | Rankings

Rank Team Matches Points Rating
1 Australia 28 3658 131
2 South Africa 29 3451 119
3 India 39 4544 117
4 Pakistan 28 3182 114
5 New Zealand 24 2714 113
6 England 30 3334 111
7 Sri Lanka 28 2953 105
8 West Indies 24 2178 91
9 Bangladesh 32 1494 47
10 Ireland 10 190 19
11 Zimbabwe 18 264 15
12 Kenya 7 75 11


Sheep husbandry is the raising and breeding of domestic sheep, and a subcategory of animal husbandry. Sheep farming is primarily based on raising lambs for meat, or raising sheep for wool. Sheep may also be raised for milk. Some farmers specialize in breeding sheep to sell to other farmers.

Animal care

Shelter and Environment

Sheep are kept in mobs in paddocks; in pens or in a barn. In cold climates sheep may need shelter if they are freshly shorn or have baby lambs. Freshly shorn hoggets, especially, are very susceptable to wet, windy weather and will succumb to exposure very quickly. Sheep have to be kept dry for one to two days before shearing so that the fleece is dry enough to be pressed and to protect the health of the shearers.

Health Care

Drenching Merino hoggets

Sheep, particularly those kept inside, are vaccinated when they are newborn lambs. The lambs receive their first antibodies via their mother’s colostrum in the first few hours of life, and then via a vaccination booster every six weeks for next three months and then by booster every six months.

Weaning is a critical period in the life of young sheep as it is this time when more problems occur than at any other stage of a sheep’s life. Sheep of this age need careful observation as to their general health by noting any weaners that are hollow, have a pale skin or are falling behind the mob etc. Weaners are very susceptible to the deadly Barbers Pole worm (Haemonchus contortus), fly strike (Myiasis), scabby mouth, mycotic dermatitis, occasionally pneumonia, fluctuations in feed availability and general ill thrift.

Farmers work with animal nutritionists and veterinarians to keep sheep healthy and to manage animal health problems. Lambs may be castrated and have their tails docked for easier shearing, cleanliness and to help protect them from fly strike. Shearers or farmers need to remove wool from the hindquarters, around the anus, so that droppings do not adhere. In the southern hemisphere this is called dagging or crutching.

Water, Food and Air

Sheep need fresh water from troughs or ponds, except that in some countries, such as New Zealand, there is enough moisture in the grass to satisfy them much of the time.

Upon being weaned from ewe‘s milk, they eat hay, grains and grasses. The lambs are weaned due to increasing competition between the lamb and ewe for food]. Sheep are active grazers where such feed is available at ground or low levels. They are usually given feed twice a day from troughs or they are allowed to graze in a pasture.

Sheep are most comfortable when the temperature is moderate, so fans may be needed for fresh air if sheep are kept in barns during hot weather. In Australia, sheep in pasture are often subjected to 40 °C (104 °F), and higher, daytime temperatures without deleterious effects. In New Zealand sheep are kept on pasture in snow for periods of 3 or 4 days before they have to have supplemental feeding.



Nikah of
Mohamed Nadim of Roshnee to Sadia Wajoodeen of Roshnee
30 Nov 2008
Benvenuti Center
Zubair Yunus Karani of Rustenburg to Razina Salojee of Petermarisburg
30 Nov 2008
Sabrie Rose Avenue
Faheem Khan of Robertsham to Zakiya Ali of Roodeport
29 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Arshad Mayet of Houghton to Fatima Loonat of Kelvin
29 Nov 2008
After Asr
kempton Park Musallah
Yusuf Mohamed of Pretoria to Abida Adam of Pretoria
29 Nov 2008
After Asr
Darul Salam
Abdul Rahman of Zakariya Park to Farhana Khan of Lenasia
29 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Noor-ul Islam
Farhaad Kader of Azaadville to Mumtaaz Hassen of Lenasia
29 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Taalimul Islam
Mohamed Waja of Roshnee to Yasmeen Khan of Robertsham
29 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Robertsham Masjid
Hfz Nazeer Mohamedi of Durban to Samiha Hansa of Durban
28 Nov 2008
Jumuah Time
Hilal Masjid Overport
Asif Girey of Lenasia to Ayesha Bawa Chafeker
23 Nov 2008
Baitun Noor Centre
Mohammed of Greenside to Ayesha Bibi of Greenside
23 Nov 2008
Sultan Bahu Mayfair
Irshaadi Varachia of Azaaville to Zeenat Moola of Mackenzieville Nigel
23 Nov 2008
Khalid Bin walid
Aadil Ismail of Horseshoe to Rusaida Banoobhai of Pietermarisburg
23 Nov 2008
After Zohr
Houghton Jamaat
Zaheer Bhyat of Ermelo to Sajida Hassen of Robertsham
23 Nov 2008
Noor-ul Islam Lenasia
Zain Denath of Roshnee to Khadija Kasoo of Roshnee
23 Nov 2008
Noor Roshnee
Aslam Dockrat of New Castle to Nasreen Wahid of Pietermarisburg
23 Nov 2008
East street
Sadek Manjra of Lenasia to Sabera Sayed of Lenasia
22 Nov 2008
After Asr
Talimul isla
Abbas Moola of Lenasia to Basheera Gowrie of Lenasia
22 Nov 2008
After Asr
Abrar Lenasia
Ahmed of Lenasia South to Zubeida Jada of Lenasia
22 Nov 2008
After Asr
Jamia Lenasia
Yusuf Seedat of Bakerton Springs to Safiyya of Houghton
22 Nov 20058
After Maghrib
Sultan Bahu Mayfair
Haroon Mangera of Stangle to Jamilla Mehtar of Pietermarisburg
22 Nov 2008
After Asr
Mountain Rise
Hfz Mohamed Jada of Lesley to Raeesa of Hyderburg
22 Nov 2008
Al Rahman
Mohamed Altaf of Lenasia to Habiba of Lenasia
22 Nov 2008
After Asr
Noor-ul Islam Lenasia
Ml Mohamed Ziyad Caiboo of Azaadville to Tasneem Kader of Roosevelt Park
22 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
James Town Crosby
Muhamed Bhorat of Ermelo to Maymoena Danka of Ermelo
22 Nov 2008
Before Maghrib
Ermelo Town
Haroon Chotia to Naeema Patel of Lenasia
21 Nov 2008
After Esha
Ashraf Lenasia
Hfz Abdul Hamid Isacs of Phoenix to Suraya Karooge of Phoenix
21 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
High Park Phoenix
Muhamed Dadabhai of Greenside to Nadiya Valley
16 Nov 2008
Rasuool Centre Pretoria
Ashraf Patel of India to Fehmida of Marble Hall
16 Nov 2008
Mohamed Aasif Abdulhai Munshi of Azaadville to Nazreen Ajam of Azaadville
16 Nov 2008
After Zohr
Jamia Azaadville
Mohamed Hafejee of Stanger to Sumaya Ravat of Emangeni
16 Nov 2008
After Zohr
Ziyaad Goolam Hoosain Lohri to Farhana Salim Mayet
15 Nov 2008
After Asr
Falah Mayfair
Muhamed Irfaan of Middleburg to Nasia Haffeejee of NorthCliff
15 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Abrar Lenasia
faheem Essop of Robertsham to Aadila of Laudium
15 Nov 2008
After Asr
Jummah Laudium
Haroon Bouskatt of PietRetief to Zahera Wadi of Roshnee
15 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Noor Roshnee
Mohamed Faheem Khan of Lenz Ext9 to fatima Taffaar of Durban
15 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
45 Cutting Overboard
Muhamed Zaid of JHB to Yasmeen of Ext9 Lenasia
15 Nov 2008
After Maghrih
Noor-Islam Ext1 Lenasia
Mohamed Muntaz khan of Pakistan to Reshma Reddy of Azaadville
15 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Jamiah Azaadville
Mubeen Kerbelkar of Zimbabwe to Sajidah of Lenasia
15 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Bilal Ext5 Lenasia
Mohamed Delair of Makensi Park to Raeesah Patel of Azaadville
15 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Jamiah Azaadville
zabayr Dawood of Lenasia to Rookaya Chiboo of Lenasia
09 Nov 2008
After Zohr
musjidul-Ashraf Lenasia
Ebrahim to Mishka
09 Nov 2008
Zaheer Hassen of Roshnee to Ayesha Omar of Roshnee
08 Nov 2008
After Asr
After Asr
Yunus Amoojee of Pietermarisburg to Faeeza Motala of Grey Town
08 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Mallin Road
Ismail Ally of Lenasia to Zahira Dawood of Lenasia
08 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Raazvia Lenasia
Bilal Salley of Lenasia to Anisa Chandlay of Lenasia
08 Nov 2008
After Asr
Ashraf Lenasia
Hafez Shahed Goolam Hoosein Seedat of Rynsoord to Nadeema Carrim
08 Nov 2008
Mu’aad Bin Jabal
Ismail of Brits to fathima of Brits
06 Nov 2008
After Maghrib
Firoz Araie of Actonville to Layla Venables of Norhcliff
01 Nov 2008
After Asr
Bilal Actonville Benoni
mohamed Ally of Roshnee to Kanita Moola of Roshnee
01 Nov 2008
River Palace
Abdur Razaak of Florida to Zenith Hoosain of Florida
01 Nov 2008
Bosmont Langeberg Ave
Aboo Bakr of Klerksdorp to Rookeya Seedat of Jeppestown
01 Nov 2008
After Asr
Madressa Ziaul-Badat
Faheem Mahmood of Kensington to Shaista Bhabha of Kensington
01 Nov 2008
After Maghrib

Send us your Wedding Announcements

Radio Islam Nikah Page


Nanima is so happy. There is a new edition in her family. Salmaan Essa was born on the 15 November 2008 to Ahmed and Zaheera Essa. Bichoo has a new cousin to bully.

Send us your Birth Announcements


Mutton Curry



  • 2 Tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 1 pound mutton or beef, trimmed and cubed
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 2 potatoes, cut in 1-inch cubes
  • 1 carrot, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup cauliflower florets
  • 1 cup eggplant, cut in 1-inch cubes
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 fresh green chiles
  • 2 Tablespoons ground coriander
  • 1 Tablespoon chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder or to taste
  • 1 Tablespoon mustard seed
  • 1/2 cup white vinegar
  • 3/4 cup coconut cream, diluted to 1-1/2 cups

METHOD 1,2, 3


To moderately hot butter in large skillet or wok, add onions, garlic, chilies, mustard seeds, curry powder, coriander powder, chili powder, cumin powder, turmeric powder, and ginger. Stir constantly, then lower heat.

Add mutton or beef, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and eggplant. Saute until meat is browned, then add diluted coconut milk and vinegar. Simmer on very low heat until meat is nearly tender. When vegetables and meat are tender, add rice flour mixed with a little water and salt. Add more water if necessary.

Serving Ideas : Serve over hot cooked rice with plain yogurt.

Per serving: 271 Calories; 17g Fat (55% calories from fat); 13g Protein; 20g Carbohydrate; 32mg Cholesterol; 182mg Sodium

Yield: 6 servings


NOTICE SELF SERVICE – Looking for a service. Place a notice for free. Title: Area and brief description (e.g. Lenasia: Wedding caterer required) If you don’t want to place your own details on the website email me with the information

Beauty Services

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Health (1)
Fitness (0)

Nani\’s Taxi

Boarding and Lodging

Holiday (2)



Birth (0)
Wedding (0)


Durban: Muslimahs & tots

Muslimahs & tots workshops on the tarbitya of children is an Islamically orientated workshop for mothers to attend with their toddlers in the 1-4 year age group once a weekWorkshop for the Tarbiya of ChildrenDo you want to improve your child’s brain potential?Do you want to lay the foundation of academic success?Do you want to have fun while stimulating the love of learning in your baby/Toddler in an Islamic way?Anasheed by Zain BhikhaRhymes and storiesActivities to develop hand eye coordinationBaby massageGross motor and fine motor skillsIntellectual, emotional and social developmentStimulation for all sensesThere are workshops held in Laudium and Middleburg
Johannesburg: GHD Salon Styler & StraightenersGood hair day (also known as ‘GHD’) The irons use ceramic technology on their heating plates, which is the reason for the golden, rather than silver, appearance of the plates. The technology involves using ceramic on the blades rather than traditional metal which reduces the frizzing and damaging impacts on the hair caused by the severe heat. Regardless, GHD does offer several hair care treatments as well as a variety of other such products to counteract the heating effects of their straighteners.
Johannesburg: Honey Fashion AccessoriesHoney Fashion Accessories’ product range includes brooches, earrings, neck ware, rings bracelets, glass-based pearls, handbags and watches. Our styles vary from the discerning, must-have classics to the cutting-edge contemporary styles for the more trend-conscious taste. Honey’s products are always in-step with international trends, are handmade by skilled craftsmen and carefully inspected at every step of the manufacturing process.


Muslim Male Matchmaking

Muslim Female Matchmaking

Hindu Matchmaking

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