e were returning from our trip to India and had to spend the whole day 19 Jan 09 in Nairobi. How I wished the day was 20th instead. The Kenyans are very excited about the inauguration, more excited then when their own president was elected. They were not happy chappies after their last election. This election result seems to have lifted the Kenyan spirits, as if Obama will be the president of two countries.
It is being advertised on all the TV channels. It is in all the newspaper. As you walk through the Nairobi Airport you see Obama everywhere in all the book shops. The souvenirs and also a pen that said Obama – the First Kenyan African American President. It was 1 dollar. I should have bought it..
Kogelo is really preparing a party of note for the inauguration to celebrate. The village where Obama’s father came from is becoming very quickly a tourist hotspot in Kenya. People are trading wildlife watching to Obama tracking. On sunday there was a whole newspaper dedicated to the Inauguration. Amazing how proud they are that Obama originated from Kenya. They have such high hopes that he will save them. I really wonder where Kenya fits on his already US crisis filled agenda. I am very curious to see where is grandmother Sarah Obama(Obama’s Dadima) will be on Inauguration day. If she will be in Kogelo, then I have some reservations regarding how close Barack Obama is to Kenya and how much time he will give it in the GRAND scheme of things. In the last celebration when he was nominated and gave his yes we can speech, his mother in law was on the stage and his dadima Sarah was sitting in Kogelo. His Nanima passed away the day before the announcement.
People from around the whole world are flying to watch the Inauguration.Eight high-level Kenyans, led by Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetang’ula, flew to Washington at government expense while their nation faces one of its worst famines in years — and even though they weren’t invited to Obama’s inauguration. The Kenyans are not very happy about this.
Four pupils from St Stithians Girls’ College in Randburg, north of Johannesburg, are among the South Africans in the US capital to witness the historic inauguration. Katie Drennan, Carla Eskinazi, Chloe Johnson and Kate Ramsden have been invited to attend the prestigious Obama inauguration ball as members of a delegation to the Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference.
Let’s hope Obama will fly in Dadima Sarah and she will be on centre stage to enjoy the celebrations at his expense. Would you send Air Force one to pick up your dadima?
Did anyone see Sarah Obama at the Inauguration. Send me a pic? I can’t find one.

Barack Obama and his Dadima Sarah Obama from Kogelo
The whole world will be watching as the first Black American President moves into the White house. Everyone feels that Obama is part of them as he comes from a very diverse background. The Indonesians feel they have ties with him and will also be celebrating the historical moment. Everyone wants a piece of Obama and want to claim that they have something to do with Obama’s claim to fame and are proud to be associated to him in someway. I am sure security is gonna be very very tight. At the last YES WE CAN speech where Oprah and Jessie Jackson were balling their eyes out, there was a very invisible screen between him and the audience.
Obama white house Tour Nov 2008
Obama retakes oath of office
During the most historic moment in our lifetimes it seems like the Justice Roberts did a major blooper. He didn’t say the words in order. I think the off wording seemed to confuse the 44th president.. It is amazing because Barack Obama is such a great orator. He never has cue cards. There are no signs of an ear piece like the 43rd use to use. I thought he was very nervous.
Obama retook the oath before a handful of aides in the White House Map Room—31 hours after he spoke the words before more than a million people arrayed on the Mall. In the first go-around, Chief Justice John Roberts botched the wording, deviating from the language in the Constitution. Following along, Obama repeated the mistake.

Obama family: Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Sasha and Malia Obama during the blooper oath
Inauguration 2009 Souvenirs
No presidential inauguration would be complete without a plethora of souvenirs created to honour the new president and his family.
Shops have sprung up all over the capital offering everything from badges, flags, T-shirts and hats to iPod cases, Obama action figures, playing cards, thongs and even condoms.
Amazon set up a special website, Inauguration Day 2009, offering traditional souvenirs along with widescreen televisions and digital recorders for those watching at home, and Obama Blend Kenyan coffee and a Patriotic Party Kit with US flag paper plates, cups and napkins to get them in the spirit.
Those attending the event in Washington were offered Washington travel guides, fur-lined hats and cameras, while those wanting to get into their new president’s mind were offered some of his favourite books, including an Abraham Lincoln biography.
Links to Inauguration day websites
Getting to the Swearing-In Ceremony and the Inaugural Parade Tomorrow by foot, car or metro
Inauguration 09 Events Calendar US time
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Swearing-In Ceremony
Gates open: 8:00 AM
Location: US Capitol, West Front
No tickets are required to view the Inaugural Ceremony on the National Mall west of 4th Street.
Inaugural Luncheon
Location: United States Capitol
This event is not open to the public. Please contact the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies at (202) 244-2228 for more information.
2009 Inaugural Parade
Gates open: 7:00 AM
Event begins: approximately 2:30 PM
Location: Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
The majority of the parade route will be free and open to the public for standing room access. Viewing spots on the parade route are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Commander-in-Chief’s Ball
Location: National Building Museum
Doors open: 5:30 PM
Event begins: 7:00 PM
Event Concludes: Approximately 12:00 midnight
This event is by invitation only.
Other links
Inauguration TV coverage schedule and times
US Inauguration TV Guide
NTV will broadcast the event live at 16h00. celebrations will start at 13h00. Carnivore resturant and Kogelo village is where all the action will be happening in Kenya.
South Africa
South Africans can tune in on SABC2, which will have a live crossing from 18:00 until 20:30 on Tuesday, according to TVSA.
eTV’s Tuesday night Prime Time News will do a live crossing at 19:00 – which is when the actual swearing in takes place – while eNews will cross over at 18:30.
For those with DSTV decoders, CNN begins its coverage from Capitol Hill at 12:00, which continues after the inauguration with live coverage of the ten official inaugural balls and a special edition of Larry King Live from the Washington, DC bureau at 07:00 the next day. I am sure Al Jazeera and BBC, Sky won’t miss a beat of it.
There will be an Inaugural Ball at Monte Casino this evening.
Obama South African Documentary
Acclaimed Durban movie producer, Anant Singh, was in America on election day when Barack Obama was declared the president-elect – and decided then and there to make a documentary.
All he is waiting for is the final footage of historic inauguration when the world will watch the country’s first black president being sworn in.
Negotiations have started with South African and United States TV networks for the broadcast rights to the film, entitled Barack Obama: People’s President.
They have been working against the clock to get it out as soon as possible after the election, and a spokesperson for Singh said last night that they hoped to tell South African audiences later this week which TV channel had won the rights.
It was mainly shot in America and includes an interview with Obama himself – but there are also interviews with political leaders like South Africa’s Desmond Tutu and Ahmed Kathrada, who took Obama on a visit to Robben Island. It includes previously unseen footage and interviews.
Kenya Obama Safari
Visit Kogelo and find out how Obama retraced his steps back to his grass roots. This has really became a booming trade and people rather go and visit Obama’s heritage site then visit the Wild life parks that Kenya is famous for. I tour to visit Obama land costs between $1800-$4400. Many Obama pilgrims have been flocking the tiny village of Kogelo to see where greatness originated from.
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