I am actually feeling a little bit sad to hear that Paul the Octopus has passed away. Paul made the 2010 world cup intriguing. We all were watching in bated breath to see if he predicted the correct winners. He managed to predict that Spain would win the world cup.
Management and staff at the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre were devastated to discover that oracle octopus Paul, who achieved global renown during the recent World Cup, had passed away overnight,” the aquarium said in a statement. according to Goal UK
In memory of Paul the Octopus.
Let us celebrate the life of Paul the Octopus. Let us all make a nice Calamari Paella and let us think about the good times we shared with our World Cup wonder, Paul.
Calamari is squid. Paella is a Valencian rice dish that originated in its modern form in the mid-19th century near lake Albufera, a lagoon in Valencia, on the east coast of Spain.
Calamari Paella Recipe
Quick and easy recipe for Calamari paella
500g squid rings
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion
4 cloves garlic
1 medium green pepper
2 medium tomatoes
200g paella rice
small glass apple cider vinegr
3/4 litre fish stock
1/4 teaspoon saffron
handfull chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste
1. Clean the squid rings under running water, pat dry and then transfer to a plate. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.
2. Peel and chop the onion and garlic as small as you can, deseed the pepper and chop into small pieces, finely dice the tomatoes.
3. Heat the oil into a medium paella pan, add the onion, garlic and green pepper and cook gently for 5 minutes. Then add the tomatoes and cook for another 5 minutes.
4. Add the rice to the pan and cook for about five minutes, then add the apple cider vinegar and cook for a few minutes, stirring.
5. Add the squid, fish stock, saffron and parsley (leaving a little aside to garnish) then lower the heat and cook for about 20-25 minutes until the rice has absorbed the stock and is soft and tender.
6. Serve with lemon wedges and a parsley garnish.
source: squid paella
Seafood Paella
Ingredients: (serves 12)
1kg Calasparra paella rice (full sack)
2 Red bell peppers
4 Artichoke hearts
4 Cloves of Garlic (crushed)
2 Large onions
6 Plum tomatoes
Pinch saffron
300g Calamari rings (maybe increase the quanity since it is in memory of Paul)
600g Fresh prawns
2 Litres good fish stock
Olive oil
Salt & Pepper
Mixed herbs (optional)
1. To prepare the vegetables roughly chop the tomatoes, slice the pepper into small squares, dice the onion and halve the artichoke hearts. Leave the artichokes to one side and fry the rest over a high heat until the onions become transparent.
2. Turn down the heat then, using a ladle add the rice counting each ladleful as you go – one kilo of rice is roughly 7 ladles.
3. Stir the rice into the vegetables and continue to cook until the rice begins to lose its colour.
4. Ladle in the stock using two ladles of stock for every one of rice, cook for 10 minutes until the rice begins to absorb the liquid.
5. Add a pinch of saffron.
6. Add the pre steamed mussels, prawns and the halved artichoke hearts.
7. Cover the entire paella pan with tinfoil and continue to cook over a medium heat for another 8 – 10 minutes.
8. Remove the foil and allow to rest for 2 minutes before serving.
source: seafood calamari
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