I was sitting with the Jamiat the other day and one of the issues we discussed was the Aids epidemic. The one issue I raised in the meeting was: Shouldn’t we make it compulsory for couples to get tested for AIDS before Nikah?
In an Indian website I read about two muslims girls who became infected after marriage. I was watching on TV now most of the victims of Aids are mothers and woman that are sitting at home and are faithful to their husband. Eish..
The Jamiat response was they can’t make it compulsory but what they can do is encourage couples to get tested before marriage. Rather be safe then sorry. Once you know the enemy, can you plan to attack the virus. There are many married couples with HIV that have children that are living normal lives.
Jamiat/MAP article on Aids awareness
The major means by which AIDS is transmitted drug abuse, sexual promiscuity and homosexual acts which are all forbidden in Islam. The Islamic system promotes fidelity in marriage, and there is a clear emphasis on a healthy family lifestyle. Pre-marital and extra marital sex is uncompromisingly forbidden. Sexual desires are to be channeled through an early and sound marital life.
The holy book of Islam, Al“Quran says;
Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste. . .
(Chapter 24, Verse 33).
In the short term the message of safe sex may slow down the spread of AIDS. In the long term the message Save Sex. Don’t experiment with sex at all until you are married and avoid drugs completely is better. Don’t share needles is not enough; Don’t take drugs at all is better.
Religion must play an important role in the campaign against drug abuse, promiscuity and other immoral behaviors. Religious beliefs and moral codes should actively encourage virtuous attitudes and chastity within every community. This effort would ultimately prove to be the most effective form of prevention in the global fight against AIDS.
The Muslim contribution in this regard consists of the development and progression of specific AIDS awareness material to be used in the training and educating of facilitators in order to effectively implement a religious response to AIDS.
The establishment of professional counseling and care giving facilities for PLWA is also an important humanitarian function, and is regarded as a priority of the Muslim program. Ongoing seminars and workshops would
also help in keeping the public aware and informed about the dreaded disease.
The Jamiat, together with the Islamic Medical Association (IMA) and Islamic Careline can provide a well-rounded approach because religious, medical and psycho-social avenues can be utilized. These three organizations can provide the expertise in the relevant fields and would therefore adequately supplement and promote the AIDS Awareness Project.
The establishment of a formal structure within the Muslim community has considerably enhanced the national struggle against HIV/AIDS. We have, as a minority community, achieved much more in the field of awareness and attitudinal changes to the perceptions and myths around the issues of HIV and AIDS. Moreover, the Muslim AIDS Program has been implemented at grassroots level and would positively affect the global trend towards stemming the tide of the pandemic.
Aids Orphanages
In 2005 it was estimated that some 3000 care centres have been set up by ordinary South Africans. Approximately 900,000 of the estimated 1,000,000 Aids orphans are being cared for in one way or another

Nkosi Johnson - World famous Aids Orphan
The most famous AIDS orphanage in South Africa is the Nkosi’s Haven – Founded by Gail Johnson in April 1999 and named in honour of her 12 year old foster son and in memory of his biological mother who was unable to look after him, Nkosi’s Haven was officially opened on 14th April 1999. Infected with HIV from birth, Nkosi passed away on 1 June 2001 from an AIDS related disease. His legac
Tshwaranang OVC Daycare – Midrand, Johannesburg – Providing daycare facilities and educational, food, and psychosocial support to orphans and vulnerable children especially Aids Orphans.
Aids Tollfree Helpline: 0800-012-322
Khomanani The Khomanani Campaign is a Government mass media and communications initiative that aims to reduce new HIV infections and increase treatment, care and support for those infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.
SANAC -The South African National AIDS Council – The secretariat is located at the office of the National Department of Health. Office Number 2017, Hallmark Building, cnr Proes & Andries Str
Tel: 012 312 0131
SABCOHA South African Business coalition on HIV Aids aims to co-ordinate a private sector response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It is a member-driven organisation and, since the beginning of 2007, its membership base has undergone significant growth, with several big corporates, medium-sized enterprises and smaller companies, including service providers, joining forces in the private sector initiative to combat HIV/AIDS.

Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel at 46664 concert
46664– Wear a red ribbon – World Aid’s day 1 December. “AIDS is no longer just a disease, it is a human rights issue.” – Nelson Mandela
The Muslim AIDS ProgrammeThe Muslim AIDS Programme (MAP) is a non-governmental organisation operating on a national, provincial and community level. MAP is a joint project of the Jamiatul Ulama, Islamic Careline and the Islamic Medical Association. MAP is also involved in President Mbeki’s Partnership Against AIDS initiative. Islamic Careline: Tel: 011 838 6085/6Islamic Medical Association: Tel: 011 8376717 Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal: 011 834 2859 MAP: Telefax: 27 21 637 0115 Islamic Medical Association (IMA) Western Cape Region: Telefax: (021) 762 1414
PostiveMuslims – Positive Muslims is a South African group founded in June 2000. We are committed to raising awareness about Aids and offering support to Muslims living with HIV/AIDS. We have a small staff of four, guided by an Executive Committee and with an active volunteer membership base. 5 Drake Rd, Observatory, Cape, 7925, South Africa Phone: +27 (0)21 4487643 Fax: +27 (0)21 4488241 Email:
Antiretroviral Therapy– Antiretrovirals are medicines given to people with HIV to suppress the virus in their blood. THEY ARE NOT A CURE FOR HIV/AIDS. They lower the level of the virus in the blood. This allows the immune system to recover (the CD4 count may increase). People taking antiretrovirals may find that their appetite improves, they pick up weight and problems they had, such as diarrhoea or skin rashes, clear up.
If antiretrovirals are taken reliably and correctly, the medicines can reduce the virus to a level in the blood when it can no longer be measured (undetectable).
Antiretroviral therapy is available at designated sites throughout the province. HIV infected people who require antiretroviral therapy may access antiretroviral treatment by referral from their primary care facility. All primary care facilities in the province can refer clients for antiretroviral therapy at antiretroviral sites.
First-time visitors to the clinic/secondary or tertiary hospital will be asked to fill out a form and a folder will be opened. Bring your ID book. A referral letter from the clinic is required when visiting a hospital. Also hospitals will ask for your most recent payslip/income assessment (IRP5). Bring your hospital card if previously registered at the hospital.
The following organisations may provide assistance:
- Aids Training, Information and Counselling Centre (ATICC): tel 021 797 3327; fax 797 3356
- National Association of People Living with HIV/Aids (Napwa): tel 021 424 1106
- Treatment Action Campaign (TAC): tel 021 788 3507, fax 021 788 3726
- Aids Law Project (ALP): tel 011 356 4100, fax 011 339 4311
“The major means by which AIDS is transmitted drug abuse, sexual promiscuity and homosexual acts which are all forbidden in Islam.”
Actually, recent evidence shows a much large percentage of heterosexuals have AIDS than homosexuals. And sexual diseases aren’t caused directly by homosexuality, but rather lack of resources available to them due to stigma.
Whatever Islam says wrong I am not disputing, but please do your research before making such claims.