Hekela murcha means braised chillies
usually a sweet strong chillie achaar..
half kg green chillies
quarter cup oil
1 tsp jeeru
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp arad
quarter packet black seedless aamli (tamarind)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup boiling water
1. Slice or slit chillies (if very strong deseed)
2. put oil in pan the add chillies with all dry ingredients
3. braise till cooked (must be between soft and crispy)
4. keep aside the mixture
5. in another pot take aamli, boiling water and brown sugar give a little boil till melted then squeeze all juice out and add to chillie mixture.
6. cook on medium heat slightly sticky – keep on stirring so it doesn’t burn
7. Cool and bottle in and refrigerate
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