According to hadith
Keep away from cupping on Wednesday for it was the day Ayub was inflicted (with a desease) and Leprosy is a result for cupping on Wednesday or the night of Wednesday” [Hadeeth Hasan as mentioned by Sheikh Al-Albaani in Saheeh Al-Jaami’].
My first experience with cupping was before we went to India. I went to gynae and found a very small cyst. This time i decided to try some alternate healing. I went to Dr Sumeiya Omar medical doctor and tibb practitioner, and we did a whole Tibb assessment She did some cupping and gave me some tibb medication. when I went for my next gynae appointment the cyst was not there, it was a small cyst. I think the cupping and maybe the Medina leaves might have had something to do with the removal of the cyst and off course dua and Allah’s will.
During end of pregnancy and after birth I was having this chronic leg pain and thought let me try cupping again. Dr Omar had moved back to Zimbabwe :(. I had to look for another place for cupping. So I went to ancient health care. Assessment was interesting. Shamsa just looks at the feet and can diagnose what the problem is. Did some cupping there as well. Most of ailments were resolved. but the leg pain does come back now and again but not as bad as before. I was happy with the treatments but was still looking for something similar to what Dr Omar was offering as I found that to be more aligned to the Sunnah cupping. At the Eid Festival I saw Tibb was having a special so i decided to go and try them. Having terrible leg pain that day and my therapist no more available at Ancient Health Care decided to give this another try.
I was happy with the approach as it was more Islamically inclined as the Dr. Gani asked me to read some duas etc before I started cupping and both Dr Gani from Pretoria and Dr Vahed from Durban region were more aware about the sunnah times for cupping etc. I felt instant relief after the Tibb cupping.
The leg pain still comes back, as i think it is related to my laziness to exercise. I lately tried ancient health care again as it very close to home, but think they were not equipped with the baby small cups that Tibb had that provided instant relief. Should the next leg pain begin think I will most probably have to drive all the way to Laudium to Dr Gani get this sorted once and for all InshaAllah.
2017 – Alhamdulillah I have tried to go for cupping every month this year in 2017 and have felt much more energetic.
Cupping can be done at the following places
Tibb more sunnah inclined cupping by female doctors
- NANIMA EXPERT: DURBAN- Musgrave – Dr. Mariam Amla Mbbch(Wits) – To schedule an appointment or online session – Call or whatsapp 081 005 3990 Email: drmariamamla@gmail.com
- NANIMA EXPERT: JOHANNESBURG: Dr. Joy Saville – 0834445701
- Laudium – Dr Gani – 0848957864 – Tibb.cupping@gmail.com
- Durban – Dr Vahed 0832985714 – Tibb.cupping@gmail.com
- Zimbabwe – Dr Summeiya Omar – Centre for Healthy Living 5 Hurworth Rd. Harare, Zimbabwe
- Booysens – Zahida Khota – 082 268 6727
- Dr Anisha Allie Cupping therapy – usually does a full assesment 1st then treat aCcordingly – based in cape town -Call for an appointment 021 699 0933 -Unani tibb doctor
- Robertsham – chinese muslim couple – 076-736-0371 Husna.
- Laudium – Dr Raeesa Hassan – 0727070755 Unani tibb practitioner Pure Living 1177 Justice Mohammad street Brookylun Pretoria
- Kelvin – Naseema Kharsany 0768242732
- Other cupping places male and female therapist
- Ancient Health Care – have branches in Lenasia, Mayfair, Laudium, etc.. also opening in Mossel Bay soon
- UWC – The Tibb school can be contacted on 021 959 3064.
- Robertsham, Johannesburg – contact Daniel 076 736 0371. Separate facilities for men and ladies. Also done after-hours and on weekends by appointment.
- In Fordsburg area, cupping done by a Moulana and his wife. Tel. 083 783 5504.
- Dr Mohammed in Roodepoort (just outside the CBD, next to Kaka Attorneys)
011-766-3680 - Lenasia : Dr Ziyaad VAlly Contact 011 852 6133 or 083 4933 102
- Dr M Patel 082 627 9000 (Springs)011 733 4533 (mornings)011 811 1690/1 (afternoons)Please website at www.acupuncturegauteng.com
- Robertsham – Chinese muslim couple – 076-736-0371 Danyaal

What is cupping?
Cupping is an ancient Chinese therapy. A partial vacuum is created in cups placed on the skin by means of suction. This draws up the underlying tissues. When the cup is left in place on the skin for a few minutes, blood stasis is formed and localized healing takes place. Wet and dry cupping is practiced – dry cupping is when a vacuum is created by the cups over specific spots on your body, whilst wet cupping is essentially the same procedure but superficial incisions are made on the skin to remove some blood.
Cupping therapy has been further developed as a means to open the ‘Meridians’ of the body. Meridians are the conduits in the body through which energy flows through every organ and tissue and to every part of the body. There are five meridians on the back that, when opened, allow invigorating energy to travel the whole length of the body. It has been found that cupping is probably the best way of opening those meridians.
Angels Emphasize the Importance of Cupping
Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood (R.a) narrates: “Among the things described by Rasulullah (S.A.W) about the journey of Mi’raaj was that every group of Angels he passed by, urged him to instruct his ummah to practise cupping.” (Mishkaatul Masaabih p.389 from Tirmizi and Ibn Maajah)
In the past, the custom of cupping was very much in vogue among the Arabs. It is a way of letting out bad and excess blood from the body and a sovereign remedy for many diseases. People have abandoned having faith in this practice today. Rasulullah (S.A.W) used to have his head and the area between his shoulders cupped. (Ibid)
Indications (Conditions that cupping can treat)
- Colds & Influenza
- Headaches
- Abscesses
- Arthritis
- Intestinal disorders
- Haemorrhoids
- Sciatica
- Rheumatism
- High blood pressure, stroke and arteriosclerosis
- Bronchial asthma & congestion
- Gynaecological disorders
- Kidney disorders (including frequent/urgent urination)
- Dispels colds and respiratory infections
- Relieves gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach-ache, vomiting and diarrhoea
- Liver disorders
- Gallbladder disorders
- Dermatological disorders
- Depression
- Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Anxiety & insomnia
- Post-injury trauma
- Post-surgery adhesions
- Cellulite
- Musculo-skeletal problems: pain, spasms, cramps, tightness, numbness, stiffness of the back and neck
- Chronic gastric pain
- Vertigo
- Menopausal discomforts
- Activates the skin, clears stretch marks and wrinkles and improves varicose veins
- And more….
Although there are no firm contraindications to cupping, it should be used with circumspection in children, seriously ill patients, those with abnormally low blood pressure, and the aged. In these cases cupping can be done with discretion, and under special and defined circumstances.
Cupping is contraindicated in cases of severe avoided.
Why should YOU try cupping?
You have heard that fasting is a form of detoxifying your body – Cupping (a Sunnah!) is just one of a handful of the more powerful detox treatments that you can try, to complete your health regime.
more info from TIBB
looking for a place in job to do a certified cupping course. please can you help?