Nani Mythbusters – Lego Jelly

Written by on February 3, 2013 in Parenting


I saw this picture of Lego jello and placed it on my facebook page yesterday. Today I decided to see if really works with lego blocks.

I washed the mega blocks and it’s container lid.

I then boiled the water and placed the jelly mixture in there and stirred it.

I sprayed the blocks and the lid with spray and cook.

After that i poured in the blocks and the lid..

Drum Roll please..

Lego Jelly Experiment 1


I am not sure what I did wrong. I made jelly. Let it set and then tried to take out.  When I took out of the small block, placed under some water to loosen and it melted as soon as i took it out..  the big one..  placed it under water for a few seconds and than used a spatula – when i turned it onto the board.. SPLAT!!!


Lego Jelly Experiment  2

I am refrigerating the second lot and will let you know soon what happens.

Ok, few hours later seems to be firmer in the blocks and the lid. It was easy to take out the from the big lid. I struggled to get them out from the blocks.

the blue square block seem to work the best to get the shape out. I put them under water for a few second to loosen up.. The yellow rectangle block was a flop they did not come out at all.


Here is the recipe I found on the internet. If anyone comes right with it, i.e with using the blocks and not a mould please let us know.

It comes out like below. I am going to make another batch and refrigerate. Will let u know how that comes out later.

Closest Replica of Lego Jello


Lego Jello Recipe


Wash out your Mega Bloks, put Jello in them, and you have Lego Jello! Kids love bright-colored wiggly food they can eat with their fingers! (Grown-ups too!)

1-1/4 cups boiling water (Do not add cold water.)
1 package (8-serving size) JELL-O – any flavor


1. Stir boiling water into dry gelatin mix in large bowl at least 3 minutes until completely dissolved. Pour into Mega Bloks.
2. Refrigerate at least 3 hours or until firm.
3. Dip bottom of block in warm water 15 seconds. Lift Jello from block. Store in tightly covered container in refrigerator.


How to make a lego mould

if anyone tries to make this and it works send us some pics to let us know how it went..

Click on picture to go to the page that shows you how to make this mould. there is a video as well.


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