Shazia Motan Campaign – Hydrocephalus sufferer

Written by on February 22, 2013 in Nanima Foundation

Shazia Motan Campaign Shazia Motan was on our Lunch Date Cooking Competition last year. We have to do something to help inshaAllah. I got this mail yesterday and was thinking what can I do to help. I saw this page a few weeks ago, but was waiting for some feedback. I didn’t check up on Shazia. Looks like while I waiting this is what happened

Shazia Motan wrote on 1 Feb 2013
“Hey there guys,  Long tume long time no chat, whats up man!  Soooo i came out of hospital on sunday again yes. Tthis time i was admitted for a severe seizure that i was told lasted for about half an hour and that my poor husband had to even call upon a ambulance. Im guessing here but i think it happened the thursday. Im on heavy medication that knocks me out something bad i tell u.LOL. I still feel ill but im fine. The boys started school , so i get some rest but i miss them tons. What have u guys been up to? Missed u guys lots as well! Will be updating u with my next story soon just need little more energy. Chat soon. Love u lots”

Shazia was in our Lunch Date, I thought that I could sell the Lunch Date DVD. Proceeds  will  go to the Shazia Motan Campaign after deducting all the costs.  The DVD will contain all the lunch date episodes of all the contestants including the finals and the demo from Mariam Vally.  i.e all the videos that you see on the website here – If you would like to help us raise funds and sell the dvd in your area email us if we find cheap memory sticks we could use this as an option  as well instead of DVDs

Buy Lunch Date DVD for R50 and support the Shazia Motan Campaign

Buy lunch date dvd

Letter from Fuaad Motan

To whom it May Concern Dear Sir/Madam Re: Shazia Motan(Crystal Herman) – 28 years old (2013) Your kindness, concern and willingness to assist raising funds for Shazia is most admirable. I, Fuad Motan, met Shazia (Crystal Herman) 11 years ago. We have been married for the past 7 years and have two beautiful blessings in the form Faizan (almost 4yrs old) and Shazad (2y 6m). As any young married couple we have had dreams and aspirations for ourselves and our kids. These dreams have been shattered due to a medical condition that Shazia was diagnosed with in Dec 2010 Shazia has a condition known as ‘Hydrocephalus’.  The Dr’s have concluded that she was born with the condition due to the fact at birth she had an abnormally large blister at the back of her head which they then needed to do a operation when she was two days old to have it removed, now this was in fact a sign of Hydrocephalus but was not picked up at the time. Due to the fact that this condition was not dealt with in the early stages, Shazia is now sitting with a life threatening illness. This is a medical condition in which there is an abnormal accumulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid in the ventricles, or cavities of the brain. This may cause increased intracranial pressure inside the skull and progressive enlargement of the head, convulsion, tunnel vision, mental and physical disability. Hydrocephalus can also cause death. The surgery consist of Dr’s having to insert Shunts into the brain and then down to the abdomen to drain off the CSF(Cerebral Spinal Fluid). Shunt systems are not perfect devices, complications may include mechanical failure, infections and obstructions. After 13 surgeries to try and correct and facilitate the problem (Hydrocephalus), Shazia suffered a number of setbacks including left temporal lobe epilepsy and the first Dr causing more setbacks than anything else. These attacks occur suddenly and without warning. Shazia had to be dismissed from her place of employment due to the condition and the fact that she had been hospitalised several times in a 2 year period, Shazia was also unable to claim for disability due to the fact that her employer did not offer it. She is now Medically Boarded due to her medical condition. This has had a severe impact on her quality of life, affecting her, myself and our two little kids. We are currently receiving counselling through ICAS for the trauma and agony we are currently going through.  This also placed extra financial strain on us as we now had to become a one income family. The medical bills continue to pour in as this condition requires extra medical attention and Shazia to be hospitalised for weeks on end. Our family’s quality of life and ‘normality has been severely impacted as I have now assumed the role of the bread-winner, mom, dad, spouse, paramedic, etc. So not only is my day to day activities more demanding, but the strain I endure is unspeakable. Shazia requires continuous supervision and cannot be left alone as the(seizures) attacks are severe. She is not able to drive or be on her own for extended periods of time. The kids are demanding of her attention and this is sometimes not always possible. My mom has stepped in many a-times to try and alleviate the burden. Your support and eagerness to assist our family will be highly appreciated. Yours Truly Fuad Motan

(Husband to Shazia Mortan)

Please join ‘The Shazia Mortan Campaign’ on FB and help with time, money or prayer:

Any donations are more that welcome toward Shazia and her family; to assist with the exorbitant medical bills (any amount will be highly appreciated) to find out more on how you can help


Shazia Motan Lunch Date 2013


Episode 1 –  Lunch Date Cook Sister – Shazia Motan

Episode 2 –  Shazia Starter – Cream Chicken Pancake

Episode 3 –

Shazia Starter – Cream Chicken Pancake

Shazia Dessert – Deep Fried Ice Cream Square Samoosa

Episode 5: Final Judging Comments

Bachoo speaks as well

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