Hunt for Red October- What Steve should have done?

Written by on October 11, 2013 in News



Ja, nee, this Red October thing is baffling.  Let me first say killing of farmers is a serious thing and no laughing matter. Killing anyone is serious.   Let us unpack this further. How a bunch of red balloons flying going to change the world is yet to be seen. What are the issues:

1. Farmers are being killed

2. innocent people are being killed

3. corruption in the country

4. pathetic service delivery

5. BEE


What should Steve had done for  Red October?

Instead of alienating a whole country and blaming everything on others and playing the victim card, Steve could have done a few things:

  • Had Steve and all his chomies thought about this nicely.. we in Mzansi could have made a lekker Rooi Oktober Treffer featuring everyone from Yvonne Chaka to PJ Powers, Mango groove and Ladysmith Black Mambazo not forgetting Steve and Danny K.
  • I think this Red October thing could have been so much more powerful then it turned out to be. It could have been the African spring we  were looking for like Tahrir square at the Union Building all of us with our Red balloons flying in the sky. Had Steve and his chomies included all the other tribes on a weekend preferably Steve.  I am sure that sky would have been red and he would have been the hero not the zero at the moment..
  • Steve should have included all the tribes then I am sure there would have been a red sky yesterday and the world would have seen that South Africa is in huge trouble. We started Red Monday campaign a few years ago.. had we had Steve’s power to get media attention we would have all been wearing Red every monday forever.. more info about WEAR RED MONDAY AND DAY NO TO CRIME..
  • If Steve was serious about crime, he would be head of SAPS by now or President and we would have followed him like agter elke man..

Ironic photo about Red October march

see the police are so busy maintaining the toyi toyi in this country that is why they don’t have resources to fight crime..

Screen Shot 2013-10-10 at 10.32.50 PM

 Crime has no colour but Red Blood

These issues above affect everyone from every race , colour creed in this country. Just visit Lenasia Crime Alert to see the genocide happening there. In a matter of weeks 2 elderly ladies slaughtered. I have heard of two other similar cases in the area. The SAPS man from lenz was killed in wadeville heist. Azaadville CPF killed. Daily you hear about these stories. Someone hijacked, killed. Crime is not a race issue. Crime is #SouthAfrica issue. See all that RED in this map is Crime in Lenz. Crime has no colour. We all bleed red blood. We also marched and had our own Red Monday etc..

Lenasia Crime Alert



We all marched against crime, loved ones being killed. How does this help, red balloons, red tshirts.. maybe like that bafana bafana tshirt day it creates awareness. Now we aware the Red October crowd are feeling oppressed and targeted. Without undermining the issue this problem is facing everyone not one group.



We all gatvol of the crappy service delivery. We are all tired of paying taxes so we can give tsotsi free boarding and lodging. We are all gatvol of etolls. we are all gatvol we can’t get jobs. the service delivery crappy is the worst in townships. Goodness visit emalahleni and having a generator and  water tank is the norm where my parents stay cos there is never water or electricity. We are all gatvol FULL STOP. It is genocide in this country to everyone. Crime targets all.


Let us find solutions and one solution I found was to etoyitoyi. Be part of the solution not the problem. come now roll up the sleeves and be the change you want to see in the world..  THis way we can document the problems we are facing and try to solve them and see exactly where the service delivery issues and where in the country this is the worse. If one group think they are worse off then the other report it here and let us see where it is the worse by using this crowdmapping tool..

 eToyiToyi – wanted good, bad or ugly service delivery

etoyitoyi logo


Click here to report your service delivery issues



etoyitoyi map


Which province and places in South Africa are the best and worst in service delivery?

Stand up and be counted. G@ vol and Sick and tired of bad service delivery especially when it comes to basic service delivery in your area.

  • No water,
  • electricity tripping,
  •  potholes bigger than the big hole of Kimberly.
  • jobless
  • homeless

Here is  a chance to see which province is the worst in service delivery. As taxpayers and hard working citizens let us not tolerate bad service anymore. Here is your chance to #eToyiToyi


Good Service Delivery 

Report if you want to pat someone on the back for job well done.

Bad Service Delivery

If you are facing everyday issues  in your area e.g  power cuts, water outages etc.

Ugly Service Delivery

These reports are usually protests that we see in the media ends up in a march.


Benefits of eToyiToyi

  • We are independent and not affliated to anyone
  • When you eToyiToyi your complaint, compliment regarding service delivery will be recorded and count towards highlighting the plight of service delivery in your area
  • Reporting is easy you could email, sms or tweet your complaint or compliment.
  • This is a service for tracking service delivery in South Africa
  • It is a passive protest without vandalism.
  •  The impact is more because the more people that report about an issue the bigger the problem will look on the map.
  • We will inform key stakeholders regarding this initiative. It will be their choice to respond or not.
  • The more people submit a eToyiToyi report in your area the bigger it will show.
  • Service is free and you can use free smses. cost may only relate if you sms your report at normal sms charges.
  • Stand up and be counted – submit a eToyiToyi report below.
  • easiest and fastest way to track service delivery in your area
  • you can upload pictures and be a reporter in your area to show us how bad and ugly the situation is.
  • we can’t solve the problem for you but we can definitely highlight it for you here and you can put pressure on service delivery agents in your area to see how bad it is by looking at this tool and give them opportunity to respond.
  • let us get competent people to do jobs in government.
  • our biggest aim to get ward councillors to start doing their jobs and hold them accountable.
  • we also contact key stakeholders to inform them about reports submitted.
  • departments, municipalities are failing miserably yet their report cards are showing distinctions. Let us show them their real marks.

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2 Reader Comments

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  1. Rashaad says:

    Genocide: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.

    Using the term in any other context is an insult to those millions of Rawandans, Bosnians and yes, Jews who were systematically terminated.

    While crime is certainly out of control, there is by no means genocide in SA, on the farms or in Lenz.

  2. Nanima says:

    you haven’t clearly seen the crime stats page in South Africa or been part of the #stoprape campaign where the radio station was beeping like every few seconds to show how many woman were being raped..
