Latest news River Dirt Catcher
Alhamdulillah on #WorldEnvironmentalDay 2018 my kids, @qurtuba islamic academy learners have won Bronze for @enviropaedia #Ecologic2018 awards in Pretoria last night for their Jukskei River Dirt Catcher . They managed to stop and remove 49 bags of dirt from the Jukskei River in their area in 2 months.
To find out more about this project contact Nanima Foundation on +27817880353 or email nanima[@] = replace [@] = @ only
In November 2016 there was terrible floods in Buccleuch. In April 2017 the place was still not cleaned up. See article Buccleuch Woes after flood in the Sandton Chronicle
There was a Buccleuch community clean up project headed by Remo Torrente and team. My family joined this effort to clean up the place especially along the Jukskei river bank in Buccleuch.
The river banks were filthy and filled with household belongings from upstream. After the flood mattresses, blankets, clothing, tyres all ended up in Buccleuch and mostly on the banks of the river.
We collected tons and tons of dirt.
Buccleuch Community Cleanup April 2017
In the group we talked about ways to stop the dirt from entering into Buccleuch in the future. There was a solution proposed by Greg Tar for a screening solution using railway track technology.
I was researching ways to clean up rivers and found a few solutions on the internet. The solution that intrigued me was a solution from Siligo creek that used milk bottles as a litter skimmer.
At that same time it was time for my kids science expo and we decided that this would be a great project to benefit the community and the environment.We also contacted Siligo creek and they gave us some tips and mentioned their litter skimmer was not working very well.
We started then collecting milk bottles and all the materials we required for this project. In June we collected enough milk bottles.
At my parents home, my father Ali Bhai Mohomed assisted my kids with the first prototype. Rafael helped them as well build the River Dirt catcher barrier.
On monday with the help of Kingsley and Jeffrey we went to the Jukskei River and installed the River Dirt catcher. At this stage we were unsure how we would remove the dirt. My daughter interviewed Greg Tar and he suggested we use pulleys to remove dirt. We then bought some string and pulleys and Madala then built a pulley system.
This was the first time we tested the river dirt catcher.
The dirt catcher one of the fullest days of 16 garbage bags of dirt
With the River dirt catcher you can collect the dirt on the banks and easily place into garbage bags with a spade. We were trying to have minimal contact with dirt or getting into the water.
TOTAL GARBAGE BAGS BY 31 July 2017 – 49 Bags

My kids entered the Eskom Science Expo and managed to get silver in the primary section and the winner of the Environmental management section.
The Jukskei River dirt catcher is a cheap, easy, effective solution to stop dirt in it’s tracks and clean up the river easily. We managed to collect 49 bags.
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