Uthman bin Affan reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
“The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 4739
Connect the Quran is a weekly Quran hosted at Nizamiye Masjid for ladies on Thursday morning.
Our intention is to get you to learn, live and love the Quran. Many times we read the Quran and we don’t understand what our Allah is telling us. We want to make everyone get a step closer to understanding the quran better. Allah in the Quran mentioned that I have made the Quran easy to remember. We aim to inshaAllah facilitate this journey to understanding the Quran. Facilitator of this class are passionate about Quran. From past experience and struggles they have experienced connecting with the Quran they intend to make this easier for all attending. Classes are interactive and everyone are advised to bring some gems to class to share regarding the lessons we are planning. more information contact Najma Ansari 0737627477 and complete survey below.
Nizamiye Masjid is based corner K101 & Le Roux avenue Midrand
There is a Gautrain Bus stop in front as well. GautrainM4-2 bus stop
Facilitator Najma Ansari – Tafseer
Najma Ansari has passion for learning and teaching the Qur’an.
She has15 years experience in teaching tafsir.
She is an ongoing scholar of Arabic, Islamic studies and writer and poet.
BSc graduate from US and Masters in UK.
lectured at Aligarh Muslim University in India
Student of Daruth Turath and Darun Na’im
Current student Jamiah online course in Islamic studies and arabic (CISA)
Speaks English, Italian, Urdu, & familiar with Arabic & French
Najma enjoys writing poetry – visit her blog Najma’s Notebook
Connecting with Quran will inshaAllah assist us to get closer to understanding what Allah wants from us.
Some Resources used
contact Najma Ansari 0737627477 to book your space, Free Entrance
Connect with us on the following social media platforms.