Tag: Shazia Motan

Be an audience Judge and stand a chance to win a choria lucky packet worth R200 Judge Shazia’s meals. After watching each episode., try out the recipe, sit with your family and judge the meal as a family.Take a picture of your effort. We will upload everyones attempts in an album on facebook. To enter […]

photos by shootcake Be an audience Judge and stand a chance to win a choria lucky packet worth R200 Judge Shazia’s meals. After watching each episode., try out the recipe, sit with your family and judge the meal as a family.Take a picture of your effort. We will upload everyones attempts in an album […]

photos by shootcake Be an audience Judge and stand a chance to win a choria lucky packet worth R200 Judge Shazia’s meals. After watching each episode., try out the recipe, sit with your family and judge the meal as a family.Take a picture of your effort. We will upload everyones attempts in an album on […]

photos by shootcake Be an audience Judge and stand a chance to win a choria lucky packet worth R200 Judge Shazia’s meals. After watching each episode., try out the recipe, sit with your family and judge the meal as a family.Take a picture of your effort. We will upload everyones attempts in an album […]
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